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Middle School: First Quarter Highlights

Writer: Marquette Catholic SchoolMarquette Catholic School

Written by Marquette Middle School Media Lab

5th Grade:

For language arts, we read Hatchet and after every chapter we had to explain what it was about. And then at the end of the book, we wrote essays. Now we are making dioramas which highlight scenes from the book.

For math, we do sumdog and IXL on the chrome books after every 10 lessons. We continue to work through Saxon Math.

For science, a highlight was going to the STEM fair in Hibbing. We watched videos of airplanes where it feels like you have zero gravity. Astronauts use these to train.

For social studies, we do maps of countries and continents and water and people. We're learning about BC (Before Christ) events. We're learning about Ancient Civilizations.

For religion, we're reading about the Old Testament, and after every story, we have to write about it or draw a picture about it.

Most fifth graders said, a favorite part of our this first quarter was the retreat. It was nice to have a break for a couple days.

6th grade:

For language arts, we read Pay It Forward and now we're reading Refuge. Pay It Forward was a good book.

For math, we've been working on reciprocals and fractions. And we play math games on the computer (cool math games, sum dog, IXL).

For science, we've been learning about atoms, molecules and things like that.

For social studies, we've been learning about fierce warriors and other things. We learned about some of the earliest explorers: St. Brenden and Leif Erickson.

For religion, we're learning about Jesus and his miracles. We look at famous paintings for each chapter.

The sixth graders said, a favorite part of this quarter has been recess because it's fun to have a lot more room to play. That and the fall retreat. Also the STEM fair was a highlight.

Middle School Events:

On Mondays, we have formation time. Adoration is very peaceful (we do this every other week). We're watching Everyday Catholic by Chris Stefanik for small group time.

We had student council elections in September and then in October, the student council led anti-bullying day. They gave speeches to the student body and handed out stickers.

We had the school walk-a-thon and pumpkin bingo. One student mentioned she has been going for seven years, and she has never won a pumpkin. But it's still fun!

We had an anti-vaping presentation this week.



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