Written by Gianina and Colton
(as part of the Marquette Middle School Media Lab)
Why did you want be a principal? I love working in education and working with students. I especially am excited to work with Marquette students because I love that we get to talk about and practice our faith.
Did you always want to become a principal? I have a lot of interests. I have a college degree in education. And I have worked with high school students, but I also have had my own business.
Do you like Marquette? I love Marquette, the students and teachers are fantastic.
How many kids do you have? I have 2 daughters. One is in 12th and one is in 10th grade: Jacie and McKinley. I have a dog and 2 cats. The cars are brothers.
What is your favorite hobby? I hang out with my friends and family, go four wheeling in the woods, go shopping. I also used to sing in a band and it was called Pulse. I also like to watch my kids at sports.